Unguided rocket projectile MZ-21 (9M22S)

Зажигательный снаряд МЗ-21

  1. annular distinctive stripe;
  2. projectile index;
  3. number (cipher) of the projectile company;
  4. lot number and year of equipment;
  5. head end index;
  6. lot number and year of manufacture of the rocket part body;
  7. powder brand;
  8. gunpowder charge lot number, year of manufacture, number (cipher) of the enterprise that manufactured the charge;
  9. lot number of the projectile assembly, year of assembly, number (cipher) of the base (of the projectile assembly plant);
  10. lot number, year of manufacture, number (cipher) of the mechanical plant;
  11. distinguishing markings.

The main structural elements of the projectile are: a mechanical remote tube GDT-90 or TM-120, the head part 9H510 and the missile part. The missile part is fully borrowed from NURS M-21OF.

At detonation of the main part the projectile is intended for creation of mass foci of fire in the area with dry vegetation and flammable combustible materials. The ignition element is a shell of hexagonal section made of magnesium alloy ML-5, in a blind nest of which the pyrotechnic composition is pressed.

Shots can be fired using 9P138 (RSZO 9K55 "Grad-1"), 9P139 (RSZO 9K55-1 "Grad-2"), BM-21 (RSZO 9K51 "Grad"), BM-21B (M-21 field rocket system), 9A51 (RSZO 9K59 "Prima") combat vehicles.

Powder brand for solid fuel ballistics charges - RSI-12M. In order to ensure better pile-up shooting at intermediate ranges, the MZ-21 projectiles are equipped only with large brake rings. Small brake rings are not used. Burning ignition elements are developed on the area of 6400 sq.m. (80x80), creating fire sources.

Tactical and technical characteristics

Caliber, mm 122
Header type ignition
The length of the projectile with a rolling tube, mm 2970
Weight, kg:
            - chimney projectile
            - remote tube TM-120 (GDT-90)
            - header
            - primer
            - flammable bouncer
0.97 (0.95)
Number of ignition elements, pcs. 180
Weight of ignition elements, kg 5.94
Ignition element burning time, s not less than 2
Range of fire, uh..:
            - maximum
            - brake ring
between 11860 and 15000
Highest projectile speed under normal conditions, m/s 707
Rocket unit operating time, s 1.88
Temperature range of projectile application, ° C –40 – +45
The weight of the container with the projectile, kg 100
Overall dimensions of packaging 9Y672, mm 2905х290х268

From the history of the projectile 9M22S.

The development of a combat unit equipped with a firearm to the rocket projectile "Grad" was carried out on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Defense № 595 of 30/XII-65 TTT №0010282 h.64176.

They were involved in the work:

  • p.y.G-4575 - the head organizations for the combat unit to the shell as a whole;
  • p.y.u. X-5498 - to work out the equipment of the combat unit;
  • p.y.o. A-1928 - the development of flammable and explosive charge;
  • p.y. V-2309 - working on the development of a radio detonator;
  • section Ya. A-3749 - to provide work with the engine housing product 9M22;
  • section Ya. B-2344 - to provide with powder charges of 9M22 engine;
  • the projectile testing was assigned to carry out in part 33491;
  • development of methods for evaluation (determination) of effectiveness of fire and ignition action was carried out by the Leningrad Artakademy.

In March 1967, the Ministry of Defence Industry and H.E. 64176 decided that it was necessary to check the ignition version of the product with electronic elements at the technical project stage.

In the conclusion of the technical report КВ-6-001-66 "Battle unit equipped with a flame retardant to the rocket projectile "Grad" (index 9М22С) at the stage of the technical project", dated 1967, it is stated that the projectile 9М22С with a combat unit equipped with electronic elements has a reliable ignition effect and is recommended for factory testing.

Due to a number of variable technical problems with flame retardants (for the Grad rocket), it was recommended for research work.

The conclusions indicated:

  1. The design of the 9M22S projectile with the electronic elements ensures reliable opening of the combat unit casing by igniting the elements and their scattering.
  2. The large number of burning elements (162), their considerable scattering area, their uniform distribution over the area, sufficiently long burning time of the elements (about 3 minutes) shows that the projectile has a reliable ignition effect, and when firing at live force - a significant striking effect.
  3. The spent development showed that the existing fire mixtures in combination with pyrotechnic SLBMs, worked satisfactorily at stationary explosions of a combat unit, till now do not provide action of a projectile at real speeds of approach to a target (~400m/sec).
  4. For further development of the projectile variant with fire hydrants it is necessary to create new fire hydrants and BRZs, which ensure reliable operation of the combat unit, regardless of the projectile approach speed to the target.
  5. In connection with the recommendation for the factory testing of the incendiary version of the 9M22S with electronic elements, it is necessary to revise the TTT for the 9M22S projectile and make appropriate adjustments based on the results of testing at the stage of the technical project.

In the period from September 1 to October 20, 1968, the military unit 33491 conducted tests of a combat unit equipped with incendiary combat elements to the rocket projectile "Grad" (index 9M22C).

Ex. No. 002814 of 31 October 1968, w/h 33491 submitted an act on the results of these tests.

The Range Test Commission, in its conclusion, recommended that 9M22S with GDT-90 remote tube be adopted by the Soviet Army provided that the shortcomings identified during the tests were eliminated.

The Commission noted the following deficiencies:

  • there was an increased number of failures of combustion elements at the temperature of +50 ° C (up to 25%, instead of the allowed not more than 20%).
  • It is necessary to check the projectile tightness and its functioning after exposure to high humidity, high temperature and cyclic tempering (30 days at each exposure).
  • There were disadvantages of GDT-90 tube, revealed during laboratory tests at the enterprise of P-6833.
  • Additional verification of the possibility to transport combat units by air is required.
  • check of the possibility to transport the projectile (in its final form in the barrels of the BM-21 package with the tubes installed only on the "P" (camping). Possibility of transportation with other installations was not checked.
  • In order to exclude the possibility of knocking down the tubing installations, it is necessary to increase the lower limit of the mounting hood torque to 50 kg/cm.
  • the projectile assembly technology needed to be additionally tested at the factory.

Removal of projectile defects in the part of incendiary elements and additional inspection of leakages of b./sth. was carried out by the enterprise p/a А-1928 under the joint plan ref. 7833 of 11.11.68 p/a G-4575.

At the outgrowth №010238/235 from 30.11.68 the enterprise of the item R-6833 presented the act agreed with GP №290 according to the results of laboratory and plant tests of the batches № 2-OP-68 and № 3-OP-68 of the head remote tubes GDT-90.

In this report the results of GDT-90 tubing modification for the drawbacks revealed during the laboratory-factory tests were presented.

As it follows from this act, the elimination of drawbacks, noted by the commission on polygon tests, was not carried out by the enterprise of the substation R-6833, but in the conclusions of the act it is written that "drawbacks, which took place in the first pilot batch, have been completely eliminated".

The military representation No. 232 of the MoD considered such conclusion premature, as the shortcomings noted in the course of the test range have not been eliminated yet.

Representatives of the enterprise of substation R-6833 and VP ¹ 290 MO, who were members of the commission to conduct tests on the range, as well as the Chief Designer of the shell, Comrade Ganichev A.N. shortcomings of the GDT testified and considered it necessary to eliminate them. However, the plan to eliminate these shortcomings was not formalized, as, on the one hand, the company of R-6833 considered some of the comments of the commission not to be binding, and, on the other hand, the Chief Designer of the projectile was not satisfied with the terms of improvement planned by the company of R-6833.

Inspection of technology of assemblage in factory conditions, according to the instruction ref. №6-450/s from 04.12.68 of the head of the organization of item А-1317, should be made by the enterprise of item В-2719 (Krasnozavodsk, МО) under the technical documentation by the enterprises of item А-1928 (Zagorsk) in IV quarter 1968.

According to the same order the equipment of combat units of the 9M22S product in 1969 was to be manufactured by the enterprise of A-7612 settlement.

The plan of checking the combat units for air transportability by the Chief Designer had not been considered and approved by that time. Most likely, its approval and approval could take place in the second half of December 1968.

According to the order ¹ 783 of 11.12.67 MOE, in 1968 the enterprise p/o G-4575 carried out research work on the theme ¹ НВ6-156-68 "Creation of a combat unit design in the firearm equipment to the rocket projectile "Grad".

The co-executers of the work were:

  • Kh-5498 fire department
  • A-1928 flame-retardant explosive charge enterprise.

To perform works on the topic № НВ6-156-68, the company supplied the p/o G-4575 to the organization of p/o R-6315 (Pavlograd):

  • In the 1st quarter of 1968, 44 combat units of the 9M22S projectile were equipped with the MS-87M firearm by the Kh-5498 enterprise, of which 20 combat units of the drawing Inventory No. 8,097 of the G-4575 "central variant".
  • 14 combat units Inventory 7986, item G-4575 - "end variant".
  • 10 combat units Inventory No. 8974 d/a g-4575 is a "combined version".

All this material part was designed and manufactured in metal in the initial period of projectile 9M22S (1967) according to TTT #0010282 w/h 64176, but was not used in time.

According to the reports ¹025 and 030 of the enterprises of the substation R-6315 (out. ¹ 2256/5 of 02.08.1968, 2689/5 of 27.08.1968) in the period from 7 to 20 June 1968 were carried out stationary blast tests, and in the period from July 3 to August 20 - flight tests of rockets "Grad" with combat units equipped with a firearm. These tests were conducted in accordance with the program of out. 1728 of 18.03.1968 of the G-4575 plant.

The purpose of the tests was to test the performance of various circuits of combat units and select the best scheme. Twenty combat units were subjected to stationary tests. Of them:

  • 8 combat units "central variant";
  • 8 "end variant" combat units
  • 4 combat units of the "combined version".

According to the data, the composition of the MS-87M fire mixture was as follows:

number nos. p/p Component Name Dosage data
1 2 3
1 gasoline head 90 l
2 isopropyl nitrate 10 l 50%
3 SKN-18 rubber 8 kg
4 copper powder 1% by weight of solution
5 PAM-4 28%
6 MSPF-4 12%
7 sodium nitrate 20%   50%
8 barium peroxide 15%
9 silicon potassium 15%
10 iditol 8%
11 AR-3 coal 2,0% (5,5% over 100%)

In separate combat units, together with the fire mixture, the so called ready-made measuring fragments, which are plastic or aluminum thin-walled (0.1 mm) cups Ø18÷20 mm and 30÷40 mm long, filled with the same fire mixture, were placed. Each combat unit was equipped with about 100 such cups. In case of rational stacking, about 250-270 such cups could be put into the combat unit. Pharmaceutical ampoules from the medicine Validol were used as aluminium cups.

In particular, during flight tests, plastic cups were placed in combat unit 6 of the "central" variant, and aluminum cups were placed in combat unit 20 of the same variant.

During the bench tests, the cups were placed in combat unit 3 of the "central" variant (aluminium cups).

The flammable explosive charge was an assembly consisting of explosive substance A-IX-2 or detonating cord (in the case of the "central" variant of the combat unit and flammable composition NSP-6-20 in the form of pressed draughts, tablets of 5 mm diameter or placer.

According to the equipment act, the composition of NSP-6-20 consisted of the following components:

  • technical sodium nitrate - 42±2%
  • titanium (PTM powder) - 46±2%
  • polyvinyl chloride suspension 6±2%
  • resin 214 (50% solution in alcohol-adenone mixture), per dry matter 6±2%.

In the combat unit of the "combined" version in the central and peripheral channels the rods of elastic explosive substance (ESV-8T of pilot batch No. 16-68) were additionally inserted. The bar diameters were 2.4 and 6 mm.

The explosion was carried out at the site with the size of 50×50 m cleared of vegetation. The product was installed on the ground vertically, with its head part down in the center of the site.

The starting pipe was installed on a howitzer-gun carriage ML-20.

Rocket part of the index 9M21 OF

Fuses 9E310 (without radio circuit), installed at the factory on "shock".

Shots were fired with brake rings. The temperature ranged from 19.6 to +26°C.

The wind speed was not higher than 9 m/sec.

The temperature of the products was normal.

The presence of ready-made measuring fragments (glasses) had no noticeable effect on changes in the effectiveness of combat units. Apparently, this question required a wider verification.

The 9M22S rocket part is fully borrowed from the 9M22 fragmentation and blast projectile.

Information on the design and operation of the 9M22S missile part borrowed from the M-21OF was provided in the description of the M-21OF unguided missile (M-21 Field Rocket System, technical description, part III).

The 9M22S incendiary projectile, part of the M-21 field rocket system, was designed to engage the enemy's manpower and equipment by creating mass foci of fire, as well as direct hit.

Further we give the given offers of the deputy chief of department ¹2 colonel Lapin V.M. on the organization of researches and development of firing and incendiary ammunition, sent by the letter from the Kazan higher command-engineering school on February, 5th, 1968 under number ¹00102 (Kazan, 25. October small town) from Vrio chief of Kazan VKIU major-general Savelyev to the chief of GlaR-V department, Moscow, 64176.


to organize research and development of ammunitions equipped with viscous flame retardants

Experience in the use of incendiary ammunition equipped with viscous flames has shown their high efficiency.

Napalm-type ignition mixtures were widely used during the World War II, the Korean War (1950-1953) and the conflict in the Middle East in June 1967. Nowadays, incendiary ammunition is widely used by American imperialists in the Vietnam War.

Incendiary ammunition is particularly effective in defeating manpower located in trenches with no ceilings, in folds and behind slopes, i.e. when the defeat of manpower requires high consumption of conventional shrapnel ammunition.

Napalm ammunition is also effective when hitting equipment, weapons, warehouses, industrial facilities, railway trains, etc.

The effectiveness of such ammunition increases ten times when the enemy's manpower and equipment are damaged, if they are located in forests, groves, bushes, crops, etc., and the period of time is fire dangerous.

1.      Some of the results of the research work carried out

  1.     In 1959-1961, studies were conducted to determine the possibility and expediency of firing rockets.

    As a result of these studies, the projectile OS-20 (designed by NIIKHIMMASH and the filler of NII 6) with the head part capacity of 20 l of fire mixture was created and tested.

    In the course of this research, the following issues were solved:

  • the approximate area and depth of burn at which an enemy soldier should be considered to be affected;
  • the minimum weight of a piece of fire mixture has been approximated, and if it hits open parts of the soldier's body and parts of the body protected by summer and winter uniforms, the soldier is disable;
  • the methodology of fire shells testing has been developed;
  • the methodology of defining the zone of fire ammunition hitting when it is fired at live force;
  • some tactical and technical requirements to the firing shells have been worked out;
  • the indicative norms of the fire ammunition consumption for the live force shooting are determined.
  • Methods of firing live projectiles have been developed.

The following conclusions were drawn from the testing of the OS-20 projectile:

  • the area of engagement of projectiles when firing at live force, located in trenches without ceilings, trenches, folds of terrain and behind backward slopes, several times larger than the area of engagement of fragmentation projectiles of the same calibre, and the consumption of projectiles is as much smaller;
  • the area of impact of open fired live ammunition is roughly the same as the area of impact of fragments of the same calibre, but the moral impact is much greater when using firepower;
  • when projectiles are fired at open live force, the rate of irreparable loss increases several times;
  • firing projectiles should be designed primarily for mortars, rocket artillery and howitzers;
  • mass use of firearms to destroy living force will lead to the violation of medical support of enemy troops);
  • the engineered and proposed flammable-explosive ordnance system is not sufficiently reliable.

2. In 1961-1962, research was carried out on the theme: "NT-2-360-61", the purpose of which was to find out the possibility and expediency of creating fire shells for tanks.

In the course of this research, the projectile OS-180 was created and tested (designs of the HSCB-847 and filling of the NII-6).

The testing of this projectile fully confirmed all the conclusions obtained during the testing of the OS-20 projectile and showed the possibility and expediency of creating firing shells for tanks.

In the course of this work, a stronger mixture was obtained, which increased the final velocity of the projectile to 160 m/sec.

3. In 1963-1964 the research of "Cassette" was carried out. The purpose of this work was to find out the possibility and expediency of creating cassette warheads for tactical missiles with incendiary and fragmentation fillings.

In the course of this R&D work, the following issues were resolved:

  • A cluster warhead has been developed for the Moon-to-M tactical missile with incendiary and fragmentation warheads;
  • an incendiary ammunition testing methodology has been developed;
  • a methodology has been developed to determine the area of engagement of cluster munitions with incendiary warheads when striking the enemy's manpower and equipment located in forest areas;
  • an approximate dependence of the forest fire propagation speed on the air temperature and humidity, wind speed in the surface atmosphere layer was established.

The main findings of the R&D process are as follows:

  • Cassette fighting units with incendiary fighting elements are a powerful means of destroying the enemy's manpower and equipment located in forests, groves, bushes;
  • the area of destruction of such combat units is several times larger than that of conventional combat units;
  • forest fires, even in peacetime, cause great damage to the economy of many states, disrupt the normal operation of the economy, and force airports to close for a long time;
  • in wartime, the massive use of incendiary missiles in a fire-hazardous period will cause massive forest fires and fires in populated areas, disrupt the work of large economic areas, can disrupt the regrouping of enemy troops, disrupt the planned combat operations of the troops, for a long time to prohibit or limit the combat operations of aviation;
  • it is advisable to create cluster combat units with incendiary elements for all types of missiles: tactical, operational-tactical and strategic.

Shortcomings in the research work done.

  1. In the course of these works, it was not possible to create sufficiently strong and quality fire mixtures, which limited the range of final ammunition speeds in which these fire mixtures could be used.
  2. The design of the flammable and explosive devices of the fire and incendiary ammunition was carried out in the absence of a sufficient theoretical basis, often by selection, and therefore the ignition and burning of the flammable mixture after rupture was not sustainable.
  3. Experiments on animal testing of the minimum striking firearm have been conducted in limited numbers and therefore the weight of the minimum striking firearm requires clarification.
  4. The protective properties of the uniforms of the army of imperialist States against burning flame throwers have not been verified due to their absence.
  5. The fire hazard criterion is very approximate.
  6. The fire-dangerous periods in the territories of imperialist states have not been determined sufficiently.
  7. The forest areas and their burntness have not been studied in sufficient detail.
  8. No experiments on the impact of fire mixtures on samples of armament and equipment have been conducted and the possibility of their hitting by fire mixtures has not been studied.
  9. All experiments on the use of firing projectiles were carried out under the conditions of the firing range at Rzhevka, which is always overloaded and therefore often the test was delayed. In addition, testing under adverse climatic conditions also made it more difficult to carry out all the work.

Proposals for further research

In our view, the following issues need to be addressed in future work on the development of firearms and incendiary ammunition:

  1. To develop robust and quality fire mixtures that would allow their use in all types of ammunition, from projectiles and mines to combat parts of all types of missiles at all final flight speeds of these munitions.
  2. The design of the ignition and detonation device of such munitions should be placed on a strict theoretical basis so that it ensures the reliable ignition of the fire-mortar at any range of final flight speeds of the munitions.
  3. Firearms should be designed primarily for mortars, howitzers and rocket systems.
  4. It is reasonable to design cluster munitions with incendiary elements for all types of missiles.
  5. It is advisable to specify the area of burn and the depth at which an enemy soldier should be considered defeated.
  6. specify the minimum weight of the fire-mixture beam when hitting open body parts or body parts protected by uniforms, the enemy soldier should be considered defeat.
  7. Check the protective properties of samples of summer and winter uniforms, consisting of supplying the armies of imperialist states.
  8. to specify the criterion of fire hazard, i.e. readiness of nature for fires.
  9. to specify the distribution of fire-hazardous periods on the globe.
  10. to find ways to determine the fire hazard criterion for remote territories occupied by the enemy.
  11. To study in more detail the forest areas of imperialist states, their flammability and the placement of military industrial facilities in them.
  12. Study the extent to which mass forest fires affect the functioning of economic areas.
  13. Study the extent to which mass forest fires have an impact on military operations.
  14. To clarify the dependence of the forest fire propagation rate for forests to distinguish the structures from temperature, air humidity and wind speed in the ground layer of the atmosphere.
  15. Check the possibility of causing mass forest fires in winter if there is little or no snow cover.
  16. check the possibility of marching columns consisting of various types of equipment and weapons close to large fires.
  17. Establish a minimum amount of fire mixture sufficient to ignite a missile on a transport cart or launcher, vehicles for various purposes, armoured personnel carriers, tanks and other weapons.
  18. To establish the possibility of destroying field storage facilities for various purposes with incendiary ammunition.
  19. To check the possibilities and required quantity of means for ignition of railway stations and trains.
  20. Determine the required quantity of fire mixtures for lighting aircraft and helicopters of various types.
  21. To study the possibilities of causing mass fires in cities, settlements and industrial enterprises.

In our view, in order to properly organize all research for the development of firearms and incendiary ammunition, a specialized laboratory should be established to assess the effectiveness of firearms and incendiary ammunition. Such a laboratory could be tasked with assessing the effectiveness of developed weapons samples, the development of tactical and technical requirements for them, the development of testing methods, determining rates of consumption and firing methods, and other issues.

The availability of such a laboratory will allow to purposefully direct the work of all design organizations.

In order to solve all the tasks in a shorter time for further research, it is expedient to involve all organizations that have previously worked in this direction.

Such organizations include: NII-6, NIIKHIMMASH, v/h 33491, VAAA, WMOLA Kirov, NII-3, GSCB-847, VNII-100, Institute of Forest and Wood of the Siberian Branch of the USSR, Leningrad Research Institute of Forest Industry.

To conduct a wide range of tests of fire and incendiary ammunition within a range it is necessary to equip an engineering camp with all the samples of weapons and equipment, field warehouses, settlements, etc.

Colonel Lapin, Deputy Head of the Department ¹ 2, PhD in Military Sciences

February 3, 1968."

In Technical Report КВ-6-001-66 "Battle unit equipped with fire mixture to the rocket projectile "Grad" (index 9М22С) at the stage of technical project" prepared by TULGOSNITOCHMASH the following data are given. It was stated that "The development of the combat unit equipped with a firearm to the rocket projectile "Grad" was carried out on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Defense No. 595 dated 30/XII-65 under TTT No. 0010282, part 64176.

The work was involved:

p.y.G-4575 - head organizations on the combat unit to the shell as a whole;

p.y.u. X-5498 - to work out the equipment of the combat unit;

p.y.o. A-1928 - to practice the flammable and explosive charge;

p.y. V-2309 - working on the development of a radio detonator;

section Ya. A-3749 - to provide work with the engine housing product 9M22;

section Ya. B-2344 - to provide with powder charges of 9M22 engine;

projectile testing is assigned to be performed in part 33491;

development of methods of evaluation (determination) of efficiency of fire and ignition action is carried out by the Leningrad Artakademy.

In March 1967 the Ministry of Defence Industry and vice-premium 64176 decided that it was necessary to check the incendiary variant of the product with electronic elements at the stage of technical project.

Purpose of the projectile and main TTT

1. a combat unit equipped with a firearm is intended to engage the enemy's manpower outside the shelter and in open trenches, passages and trenches, as well as its combat equipment located within range of fire. Defeat is achieved both by direct hitting and by creating mass hot spots of fire.

During the conceptual design phase, versions of an incendiary fire shell with ready-made incendiary elements are being developed.

2.      Shots shall be fired from an approved Grad projectile fighting vehicle. The main ballistic characteristics, as well as the possibility of using the Grad firing tables, are to be specified during the development process.

3.      To activate a combat unit equipped with a firearm, it was permitted to use a 9E310 radio detonator from missile 9M23.

4.      At the stage of technical design, the effectiveness of the use of a conventional blast fuse with a momentary effect was to be determined.

5.      A combat unit with a flamethrower shall provide for the engagement of live force and ignite combustible elements of the enemy's military equipment; the specified area of engagement when firing at live force in open trenches and trenches shall be not less than 300 m2.

6.      The flammable mixture when burning on target /living force and military equipment/ shall develop a temperature of at least 1500÷1600°C. The fire mixture shall have good adhesion to the clothing /winter and summer/ and human skin, not allowing its removal by shaking and abrasion, as well as good retention on the surface of military equipment, including moving.

7.      A piece of fire mixture of the selected optimum weight should affect the live force /burn/ for 15÷20 seconds, cause a burn not lower than 3rd degree.

The induction period of the fire-mixture should have been minimal and its value should have been specified in the process of development.

8.      The design of the combat unit and the flame-retardant explosive charge was to provide, at firing /burst/ fragmentation into pieces, optimal efficiency and reliable ignition of the pieces - 80÷90%/ in any meteorological conditions at ambient air temperature from - 40°С to +50°С at all firing ranges.

9.      The fire mixture and flammable explosive charge shall not cause metal corrosion of the combat unit /freezing coating possible/ during storage, shall be stable during operation in the temperature range from - 40°С to +50°С, shall retain combat characteristics during storage with the effect of variable temperatures from - 60°С to +60°С.

The flammable mixture and flammable-breaking charge must have been safe during operation, storage and transportation, must not have been poisonous and self-ignition under conditions stipulated by the TTT.

10.  The projectile as a whole should be hermetically sealed and should provide storage under storage conditions for at least 10 years, storage conditions for at least 10 years, field conditions for at least 5 years.

11.  Raw materials used in the manufacture of fire mixtures should be of domestic manufacture and have the necessary raw material base. Fire mixtures should have been technologically advanced under gross production conditions.

12.  In the process of development the methods of technological quality control of fire mixtures were to be developed and their fire characteristics were to be determined, as well as the raw materials necessary for the development of methods to assess the effectiveness of the developed combat unit.

13.  This TTT is an addendum to TTT w/h 64176 No. 000010044-60, which should be followed along with this addendum.

14.  14. All operational documentation on the composition and volume should have been performed in accordance with OTT No. 5272-63.

15.  The main points of the TTT could be completed as agreed with the customer during the preliminary study of the product and equipment.

16.  Before entering the State Tests, the technical and economic analysis of the developed combat unit is performed and the conditions of its effective combat use are determined.

Brief TTT analysis and rationale for projectile design selection

In 1959-64 several research works were carried out, where attempts were made to create ammunition, equipped with a firearm, for rocket and barrel artillery.

However, the general appearance of these works was such that the firearm ammunition practically did not work at speeds of 140÷160 m/sec.

Under these conditions, in 1966, experimental design work was carried out on the development of a combat unit equipped with a firearm to the Grad rocket projectile with an encounter speed of 300÷400 m/sec.

According to the TTT, projectile 9M22S should have a fire effect (in terms of live force) and incendiary (to ignite combustible elements of military equipment, to cause fires).

Studies conducted during the research work showed that to defeat the living force it is enough to crush the fire mixture into pieces of 3 ÷ 5 g, and fire mixtures with high burning speed are necessary.

In order to ensure the ignition effect, a larger crushing of the fire mixture is necessary.

In addition, the fire mixture should generate a large amount of heat during combustion and produce high-temperature slags.

Conflicting requirements preclude the creation of an ammunition with both an optimal fire and an ignition effect, although the firearm will have some ignition and the ignition will have some firing effect at the same time.

The objective of creating an incendiary version of 9M22C can also be achieved without a fire mixture.

The TTT requires that an ignition-fire version of the projectile with ready-made ignition elements be developed in addition to the projectile variants filled with a fire-mixture.

Carrying out of part 33491 and p.m. of the TTT. G-4575 studies showed that the best results in this variant are shown by the combat unit equipped with electronic elements with the corresponding flammable composition pressed into them.

In March 1976. (probably 1967) on the basis of a joint study with p.i. 33491 in March 1976. In March 1976 (probably 1967), on the basis of works carried out by the Ministry of Defense Industry together with the Department of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in cooperation with the Department of Defense of the Russian Federation in March 1976 (probably 1967), G-4575 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in cooperation with the Department of Defense of the Russian Federation in 64176, it was decided, along with continuation of works on fire-mixed versions, to check at the stage of the technical project the incendiary version of 9M22S projectile with electron-thermal elements.

On the basis of the TTT and this decision, work was carried out in two directions during the technical design phase: the development of a fire-mixed unit and the development of an incendiary electronically powered unit.

The studies and experimental works carried out revealed significant difficulties in the development of options for the firearm.

In the process of testing, a number of problems to be solved at the stage of research works arose: creation of fire-mixes and flammable cargo charges ensuring the operation of the combat unit at real velocities of the projectile approach to the target, creation of appropriate test methods, ensuring operation at any time of year, etc.

Due to these circumstances, it has not been possible so far to develop a version of the projectile with a combat unit filled with a firearm that satisfies the TTT.

At the same time, work on a combat unit with electronic elements has yielded positive results.

The choice of electrons as theaterial of ready-made elements is based on the fact that the electron has a number of advantages over other types of fuel: relatively high mechanical characteristics ensure the safety of the elements under the action of overloads: a sufficiently large specific weight (1.7÷1.8 g/cm3) and high calorific value allows the effective use of the internal volume of the combat unit, etc. (report in.h. 33491 out. 0819 from 22.III.67g.)

Especially valuable qualities of the electron are the practical independence of the ignition and combustion of the electron from the projectile speed and the ability to burn more intensely in a wet environment, which allows the use of electronic elements in the projectile and the use of the projectile in any weather conditions.

The presence of a large number of effective elements (162), their considerable dispersion over the area, long burning time (2÷3 min) allow to create mass foci of fire, and, besides, to hit the live force and cause burns when the elements or splashes of burning electron.

As a result of all works carried out at the stage of the technical project and the protection of the technical project is presented ignition projectile 9M22S with electronic elements, and projectile 9M22S with a combat unit equipped with a flame retardant, is recommended for study at the stage of research.

The task facing an ignition projectile with electronic elements is to reliably ignite the elements and scatter them over an area.

During testing, several ignition and ejection schemes have been tried out: ejection of elements through the warhead (head version), ejection of elements through the bottom of the warhead (bottom version) and opening of the hull by means of a rigid cross (cross version).

During the testing process, several types of electronic elements were tested, resulting in the selection of an element representing a hexagonal prism weighing ~ 40 g.

The hexagonal shape of the elements makes it possible to place the maximum number of elements of the selected weight in the combat unit while ensuring reliable operation of the element.

In the course of work, 3 main variants of combat units with ready-made ignition elements were developed and tested.

The common feature of all these combat units was that the igniting elements, although different in some variations, were made from electron. The electron is an alloy of magnesium (about 90%) and aluminium (about 10%).

The elements can be manufactured using an IGS-5 alloy or an ML-5 casting alloy, which is close to it in composition.

Alloy grades Chemical composition in %                        
  aluminium zinc manganese silicon magnesium aluminium silicon iron nickel copper chlorine zinc only impurities
МгС5 7,5 – 8,7 0,3 – 0,7 0,2 – 0,5 - everything else - 0,10 0,03 0,005 0,05 0,005 - 0,19
Мп5 7,5 – 9,0 0,2 – 0,8 0,15 – 0,5 - everything else - 0,25 0,08 0,01 0,1 - - 0,5


The 9M22S projectile with a combat unit equipped with electronic elements has a reliable ignition effect and is recommended for factory development.

Due to a number of variable technical problems in the field of flame retardants (for the Grad rocket projectile it is recommended for research work.

Conclusions .

  1. The design of the 9M22S projectile with the electronic elements ensures reliable opening of the combat unit casing by igniting the elements and their scattering.
  2. The large number of burning elements (162), their considerable scattering area, their uniform distribution over the area, sufficiently long burning time of the elements (about 3 minutes) shows that the projectile has a reliable ignition effect, and when firing at live force - a significant striking effect.
  3. The spent development showed that the existing fire mixtures in combination with pyrotechnic SLBMs, worked satisfactorily at stationary explosions of a combat unit, till now do not provide action of a projectile at real speeds of approach to a target (~400m/sec).
  4. For further development of the projectile variant with fire hydrants it is necessary to create new fire hydrants and BRZs, which ensure reliable operation of the combat unit, regardless of the projectile approach speed to the target.
  5. In connection with the recommendation for the factory testing of the incendiary variant of the 9M22S with electronic elements, it is necessary to revise the TTT for the 9M22S projectile and make the appropriate adjustments based on the results of the testing at the stage of the technical project.
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  2. Реактивный зажигательный снаряд МЗ-21 (Индекс 9М22С). Дополнение к техническому описанию и инструкция по эксплуатации «Боевая машина БМ-21». Воениздат, М.: 1972. – C.5.
  3. ЦАМО РФ. Ф.81. Оп.856348сс. Д.202. ЛЛ.74-81,83,84,86,87,186-194.
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