Chinese 122 mm rockets

Technical characteristics of Chinese 122 mm caliber rockets:

Type Length,
HF weight,
range, m
range, m
with a range of 20 km
superfluous hF 2870 67 18,3 20000 9600
with shrapnel-flash HF 2870 67 18,3 20000 9600-12000
volatile detonating mixture 2975 65,8 17 20000 12000
with a range of 25 km
cassette hF 3037 68 28 26000 13000
with a range of 30 km
superfluous hF 2757 61 18,3 32700 12400
with shrapnel-flash HF 2757 61 18,3 32700 12400-12700
cassette hF 2927 61 17,8 32700 15000
with a range of 40 km
with shrapnel-flash HF 2900 67,5 22 40000 20000
cassette hF 3023 68,1 22,6 40000 20000
with a range of 50 km
with shrapnel-flash HF 3037 73,9 24,3 50000 no data