M-8 fragmentation rocket

Main characteristics of M-8 projectile with ballistic index TC-34
Caliber, mm 82
Weight of final projectile with fuse AM-A, kg 7,92
Weight of equipped combat unit with fuse, kg 2,79
Weight of explosive charge, kg 0,6
Weight of equipped jet engine, kg 5,13
Powder charge weight, kg 1,18
The length of the projectile without the fuse, mm 675
Wingspan (blade) stabilizer, mm 200
Reactive powder charge burning time, s 0,6
Average reactive force, kg 400
Guide projectile velocities (muzzle velocity), m/s 50
Average projectile acceleration, m/s2 630
Highest projectile speed, m/s. 315
The length of the active section of the trajectory, m 80
The longest range of fire, m. 5515
Shrapnel radius, m. 3-4
Radius of actual shrapnel damage, m 12-15
Range mean deviation - W (at an elevation angle of 45º), m 105
Mid lateral deviation - WB (at 45º elevation angle), m 220
  1. Боеприпасы Гвардейских минометных частей. Краткое руководство. Издание второе. ГАУ ВС Союза ССР. - М.: Воениздат, 1948. - С.7-9.